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Golden Egg Mentoring Club Page
Nicki's Mentoring Lives
One-Line Pitch (April 2021) (93:53)
Industry update - IC/NM (May 21) (76:01)
NM Q&A (June 2021) (52:30)
One-Line Pitch part 2 (June 2021) (97:02)
Fairs' feedback / industry update - TJ/NM (July 21) (57:06)
Industry, concept, developmental editing - IC/NM (July 2021) (50:14)
Special news - IC, KW, JH, NM (23 Sep 21) (39:04)
Synopses - NM (Oct 21) (47:31)
Raising the stakes - NM (Nov 21) (56:55)
Antagonist - Hero as Villain (January 2022, NM) (54:52)
Open Q&A and plans for mentoring programme 2022 (Feb22) (49:26)
GEA at London Book Fair - Adamma (April 2022) (56:54)
Submission package and agent meetings - NM (May 2022) (69:55)
Reading and Writing for Empathy - NM (June 22 ) (66:07)
Agent 121s prep and Honk debrief - NM (23 June 22) (47:48)
Goal Setting - NM (7 July 22) (60:01)
Foreshadowing, Clues & Reveals - NM (October 22) (59:51)
Alex Cotter (Campbell) - Journey to Publication (Nov 22) (75:38)
Concept - NM/KW (Jan 23) (48:32)
The BIG Idea - IC/NM (Jan 23) (89:24)
New Developments for 2023 - NM (Feb 23) (26:57)
Author Events (World Book Day) - NM (Mar 23) (79:26)
Book Fairs update 2023 - NM (May 23) (47:16)
Why We Write - origin stories, inspirations and motivations (June 23) (66:22)
Word Play & Rediscovering the Joy (July 23) (68:46)
Achievements of 2023 and Goal Setting for 2024 (Dec 23) (65:15)
Endings (Jan 24) (59:08)
Partnership Publishing - Lisa Wakely (Feb 24) (61:19)
London Book Fair insights and feedback - NM (Mar 24) (82:32)
Pitch and Big Idea feedback from Imogen and Nicki (June 24) (69:32)
Synopses - Helen Price and Nicki (Sept 24) (63:05)
Takeaways from the Bookseller Conference 2024 - Adamma and Nicki (Oct 24) (69:42)
Editing types, tips and tricks - NM and BW (Jan 25) (82:30)
How to Survive the Ups and Downs of Writing for Children
A Guide by Kate Maryon
Teach online with
Goal Setting - NM (7 July 22)
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